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Rogers Okot-Uma
SFI Academy of Mathematics, Physics, and History
Location : London, ,
Specialization: Mathematics; Physics; History
Education: Delft Univesity
Ph.D., Formal Systems, Delft Univesity (2009)
Year of Experience : more_than_25_years


Rogers Wod'Olobo Okot-Uma graduated with a Ph.D. in formal studies from Delft Univesity, class of 2009. Rogers had a background in profiling and was among international organizations. It was during this time that he decided to get his Ph.D. in formal systems. He is able to teach full-time and is hoping to retire in the near future. In his profession, Rogers enjoys teaching students math and physics at a level 6 form. Rogers is an expert in information and technology systems. Currently, he works as an independent information technology and services professional. He is actively involved in his community and understands that through knowledge, communities become strong and endure. Along with teaching, Rogers is also passionate about writing and his causes.