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Hugh A. Mirolo
Neuropsychiatrist, Medical Director, Founder
Centre for Neuropsychiatric Sciences (CNS)
Location : Waterford Bridge, ,
Specialization: Medical Practice specialized in Neuropsychiatric Sciences Brain injury; Neuropsychiatry; Neurology; Psychiatry; Internal Medicine; Traumatic Brain Injury; Autism
Education: Dartmouth College Residency (PGY 8-10) Neurology 2001
Industry: Medical Practice
Year of Experience : More than 25 years


Contributes success to his dedication to his work with twenty years of education and studies in his field you have to have a fascination with the brain and mind. Nueropsychiatrics studies never seems to grow old for Hugh. Overall he will continue with his patients, studies, and practice being the only nueropsychiatrist in his area of Canada and one of the leading nueropsychiatrist in the western region. Publications include: Normative Data for the Unquantified EEG: Examination of Adequacy for Neuropsychiatric Research J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 17:84-90 February 2005; Are the boundaries of normal analog EEG well defined? J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 11:1 154: P98, Winter 1999; Management of Depression in the older woman Geriatrics. 48: 14-17 1993; Can ECT induced cognitive deficits be altered pharmacologically? Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 17: 861-873 1993 The New Medicine, an Integrated System of Study - Cardiology", Vol. III by Hamish Watson, M.D. (edited in Great Britain). Atlante Editorial 1985 Fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.