Location : | Cape Coral, FL, |
Specialization: | Forensic Science; Criminal Profiling; Biology; Genetics |
Education: |
Harvard University; New York University; University of Virginia Harvard University, Medical School- Ph.D- Microbiology and Immunology, Tropical Medicine, 1980; Post-doctoral fellow (1980-1983); New York University M.S.- Microbiology, Immunology, Tropical Medicine, 1997; University of Virginia- BA- Music, Biology, Graduated with "High Honors", 1974 |
Industry: | Mental Health Care |
Year of Experience : | 6-10_Years |
Dr. Gina Moser Golub is Pathologist and Clinical Psychologist interested in combining her background in the medical sciences, formerly as a Pathologist at Harvard Medical School with her doctorate and training in Clinical Psychology as a forensic scientist or criminal profiler. Gina is innately curious about exploring the field of criminal profiling using a scientific approach. Her passion for exploring the complicated mind-body connection, stems from childhood, where she was inclined to study the unusual ritual of ants and observed their odd behaviors. She questioned whether ants respectfully carry a dead ant to its resting ground or are carrying their dead comrade to cannibalize for dinner. As a professional, Gina, has published over 11 articles in medical journals and wrote a book entitled, "Developing your Career as a Scientist in Academe: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students and Ph.D.'s, published by The President & Fellows of Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, 1989. Currently, she is writing a comprehensive book on the "Etiology of Psychopathy" from theoretical perspectives, environmental influences and biology (e.g., incorporating neuroscience, biochemistry, genetics, and the prenatal in vivo & external environments). In her Ph.D. thesis, she addressed the possibility that narcissism is on a continuum from "thin-skinned" to "thick-skinned" narcissism to "malignant" to "metastatic" narcissism" which can escalate to sociopathy and ultimately culminate in florid and unspeakable acts of psychopaths. Her theory also suggests that just like there may be different subtypes of narcissism on a continuum, there are a vast array of psychopathic subtypes all lacking in empathy to degrees and possessing differing modalities of operation, starting with the more benign, opportunistic CEOs, corrupt politicians and judges to robbers to sex offenders and rapists to secretive murderers and others, and finally intensifying to the most heinous, cold-blooded serial murderers. Gina is an incredibly well rounded professional with extensive theoretical and clinical knowledge on the topics of criminal profiling. She hopes to share her acquired knowledge with other like minded professionals ranging from the medical field to the F.B.I.