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Michael Blake
VP FEderal Business Development/CISO
Healthcare IT
Location : West Munster, MD,
Specialization: Strategic growth; New business planning; Pursuit Capture and Strategy Planning; Customer and Partner relationship; Management
Education: James Madison University
Bachelors of Biology- James Madison University
Industry: Information Technology and Services
Year of Experience : Morethan25years


Michael Blake is a senior level Chief Information Security Officer with 30 years experience. As VP and CIO for Federal Business Development at Telligen, Michael is directly responsible for conducting ongoing market analysis, assessments and marketing strategies to Telligen leadership in development of new business opportunities within the Federal Government market segment. Prior to his position with Teligen, Michael was Program Director Health & Human Services for Medicare & Medicaid Services. A major highlight in Michael's career was his implementation of software systems now being used by the US Military. His systems, the "Health Hazard Information Module" and the Health Hazard System," supported the Army's OHMIS-HHIM system and incorporate the latest technology in object-oriented development and use of network, relational and statistical databases that were deployed to over 120 Army industrial hygienists world-wide. He has also created standard operating procedures and automated methods for data consolidation and updated the corporate database from over 120 Army installations world-wide. In his leisure time, Michael enjoys Fresh Water Fishing in the Chesapeake Bay.