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Tamar Clarke
Researcher and Web Developer
Nutritional Medicine Information
Location : Cumberland, MD,
Education: American University
Masters, Public Administration, American University (1979); Masters, Library Science, University of Pittsburgh (1972); Bachelor's, History, University of Pittsburgh (1971)
Year of Experience : Morethan25years


Prior to retirement, Tamar Clarke worked in the cataloging department in the National Library of Medicine in Pittsburgh. Ms. Clarke has been a witness to the fundamental change that saw libraries move from card catalogs to multi-media resources to having an online catalog system. Tamar currently runs the website, www.nutritionalmedicine.info. With this site, she has become a crusader for a new paradigm for medicine in the United States. Her site is a clearing house for the literature that she digests which espouses a way of achieving health that doesn't include big pharma, invasive procedures or unsafe medical practices. Ms. Clarke would like to be compensated for her work, but also appreciates the independence that she has by lending her expertise gratis. Tamar enjoys quilting and gardening (especially herbs). She is also active in her local synagogue.