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Chairman of the Board
Location : Garden city, NY,
Specialization: Landscape Architecture; Business Management; Leadership; Mentorship
Education: Syracuse University
Bachelor's of Science in Landscape Architecture, Syracuse University (1967)
Year of Experience : Morethan25years


William Kuhl is a Landscape Architect with over 50 years of experience in the field; his career has been spent in a wide range of enterprises from the New York state Department of transportation to EDAW one of the world largest Engineering firms. William has done work across the United States as well as work overseas, in the Middle East and Europe. William has received more than 90 National, State, City for professional projects he has designed. William has ran his own practice for 30 years, after his last firm was acquired by EDAW he began his work with Saratoga Associates since 2006 and since then he has been able to train, develop his own skills as well as contribute his expertise in the industry. William is very involved with the Ace Mentoring Board, he is current sharing his expertise with new professionals in the industry to carry on the success of the industry and team development. William's skills in leadership have been proven to be a success, a few of his previous employees have went on to start their own firms with success, his greatest accomplishment was his ability to travel and gain international experience that he could bring back to the States and share with his colleagues. Over the next few years William will continue his work as he is passionate about his career, he also would like to grow the Ace program, to help more people become aware of the industry and learn from a experienced professional.