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Bart Everett
Technical Directro for Robotics
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Location : San Diego, CA,
Specialization: Robotics; Development; National Security; Engineering; DoD; C4ISR; Program Management; Navy; Military; Security Clearance; Engineering Management; Homeland Security
Education: Georgia Institute of Technology/ Naval Post Graduate School
BSEE; MSME in Robotics
Industry: Engineering
Year of Experience : Morethan25years


Bart Everett basically started his extremely successful career at the young age at ten. He took a trip over to his friend’s house to watch a TV show. In that moment, a man in a robot costume came on the television and Bart took an interest right away. Since then, he has put literally all he has into his career. As soon as Bart reached HS, he immediately became involved in the Robotics Team. In his sophomore year in HS, Bart built his very first robot named "WALTER" for the science fair. From that point on, everything else was history. Bart wrote his thesis on Robotics later on in life. The US Navy got a hold of it and recruited him to come and work hand and hand with the Vise Admiral in the US Navy. As Bart's life went on, he created more and more robots as time went on. Bart has also been featured on many shows on the History Channel, Discovery Channel and many more. He has gathered an amazing amount of knowledge and passion for robotics and has contributed an extraordinary amount to the world by molding history with his inventions and mind. Even though Bart being incredibly busy in his life is an understatement, he still found the time to write and publish several books. His very first book, "Sensors for Mobile Robots: Theory and Application" was published in 1995. Followed by, "Navigating Mobile Robots: Systems and Techniques" published in 1996. Years later, in 2014, Bart came out with another book called "Unmanned Systems: of World Wars I & II". At first, he thought it would take him a few months to put together. Turns out, Bart kept stumbling upon more and more information and 9 years later, his pride and joy was published. Currently he is working on more publications such as "The Evolution of ROBART : A Quest for Machine Intelligence " A Second Chance to Serve: WW-II Coastal Defense Batteries at the Navy's Unmanned Systems Test Facility" and "Children of Dyfunctional Robots.” He looks forward to taking more time to concentrate on the hobbies that keep him relaxed after a long life of stressful yet exciting work. Bart will be focusing more on his sculpting, which he started due to the fiberglass replicas of robots and machines he did for shows. He will also be putting time into his photography, woodwork and collecting of Cycad plants (extremely rare prehistoric plants). Bart H.R. Everett is one in a million. Not only is he one of the greatest minds on this planet, but he is as humble as they come. There is no doubt that he has gotten to this place in his life due to his extreme passion, dedication, love for his work, determination, knowledge and education, and of course, his lovely outgoing personality.