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Vasileios Sotiras
Senior Developer
Queen Mary University of London
Location : , ,
Specialization: Analysis structure data
Education: University of Westminster
Masters Degree, Enterprise Information Systems, University of Westminster (2009)
Year of Experience : more_than_25_years


Vasileios Sotiras currently serves as Senior Developer with the Queen Mary University of London. Vasileios' main role is to develop academic applications for universities, work with the development team, and design strategies for the university. An average day for Vasileios consists of developing new concepts and keeping everything running smoothly. Vasileios has over 30 years of professional experience in his career. Vasileios engages in public speaking and internal conferences at the university. At this stage in Vasileios' career, he would like to network with like-minded professionals and he credits his success to determination , learning from his failures and passion for what he does. Vasileios is most proud of how far he has come and the time he spent at the University of Westminster.